Fill in the academic details of your program at York and your program abroad.
example: Bachelor of Commerce
Section Break
Please limit yourself to 2-3 sentences only.
Cost of Living
Answers are confidential
How much did you spend on food?
How much did you spend on courses/textbooks?
How much did you spend on courses/textbooks?
How much did you spend on social activities?
How much did you spend on housing?
Student Testimonial
Please be as descriptive as you can.
Please add some pictures of your trip
I give permission to York University to broadcast the photos or videos uploaded to this form for promotion and marketing materials (i.e. social media, pamphlets, websites, posters, etc.) *
Do you want to have your testimonial on the Global Learning website for future students to read? *
Would you like to film a short video with Global Learning and have it made available on the website for future students to view?
(if yes, you will be contacted via email with further instructions) *